How to Make a Family Fire Safety Plan + Free Printable

I’m pretty sure I never slept as a kid. Instead, I laid in bed at night worrying. I worried about a lot of things, but what to do if there was a fire was a frequent source of my insomnia. When I would finally fall asleep, I’d often have dreams about fire. I don’t know why this was so often on my mind because at the time I’d never even known anyone who had experienced a house fire. But nonetheless, it kept me up at night.

And now I’m raising two little worriers of my own. We decided that the best way to combat their fear is to make sure we are all prepared and know what to do if something were to happen. Since October is Fire Prevention Month, it seems like a great time to share some tips that we’ve learned, along with a free printable fire safety plan that you can use with your own kids.

If there are two things most little boys can agree on, it’s fire fighters and superheros. I’m so grateful to First Alert’s “Super Prepared Family” – a family of superheros that gave us a fun and engaging way to start the conversation about fire and carbon monoxide safety with our kids. They were so excited when they opened our Fire Safety Kit and saw a coloring activity book and toy fire truck right on top… it was the perfect first impression for them and made them less nervous about the new smoke and CO alarms that were also in the kit.

Family Fire Safety Kit from First Alert


My boys start to get nervous any time we talk about fire, so rather than starting the conversation with what to do in case of a house fire, we first focused their attention on the things we can do to prevent a fire from starting. Both boys have just hit the age where they are asking for chores, so they were eager to talk about ways they could help.

We learned that the number one cause of home fires is unattended cooking. I’ve definitely been guilty of walking away to multitask when dinner is on the stove, but the boys are on the case and they’ll remind me to stay in the kitchen while I’m cooking.

Here are a few simple tips that can reduce the risk of a house fire: