The Scott Administration has taken a proactive and innovative approach in confronting the issue of vacant properties in Baltimore. Through the various partners working tirelessly on this issue, we have made critical strides in reducing the number of vacant properties in our city.
Every year, DHCD responds to nearly 70,000 citizen requests from 311, conducts 250,000 housing inspections, issues 30,000 violation notices, issues 30,000 citations and registers 55,000 properties. While DHCD is generally acknowledged as a national leader in the work of code enforcement and the efficient, effective and data-driven delivery of local government services, we welcome the public's increased involvement in holding owners of derelict properties accountable.
City Council Bill 19-0429 requires the Department of Housing & Community Development to post signage on vacant buildings that will identify owners so that they can be held accountable by the public.
You can find PROPERTY-OWNER INFORMATION right here on our website.
(If an owner has not registered a property, property owner information can be found by visiting CodeMap.)
This page is also a centralized location directing the public's attention to various resources providing information on properties throughout Baltimore city.
Questions? Call 410-396-0896 for more information.
Progress Snapshot - March thru June of 2022
Progress Snapshot - July thru September 2022
Progress Snapshot - October thru December 2022
Annual Update - March 2023 - One Year Later
Progress Snapshot - January thru March 2023
Progress Snapshot - April thru June 2023
Progress Snapshot - July thru September 2023
SELECT THE FOLLOWING LINKS to view for information on properties as indicated:
Key Stats Dashboard (for a listing of all Vacant Building Notices)
Active Notices (to search by a specific address)
Cases in Court
Permits Search
BMZA Appeals
Please call 311 if a property needs to be cleaned, boarded or if other assistance is needed.