You must obtain a business license from Alameda County only if you are conducting any type of business, including leasing residential and commercial property, or your business is based in an unincorporated area of Alameda County.
To renew online, you must have received a Renewal Notice with your Account # and assigned PIN # (Personal Identification Number).
Payment for online renewals must be made by credit card and will include a convenience fee of 2.3%. Other payment methods are available if you renew by mail or in person.
A convenience fee equal to 2.3% of the tax amount due including penalty will be added to your total payment. The convenience fee does not go to the County of Alameda.
The convenience fee is added to cover the fees charged by the credit card processor and banks, which are based upon a percentage of the transaction. All credit card merchants pay these fees, but commercial merchants can set the price of goods and services high enough to cover the fees. They typically charge the same price for credit card, check, and cash payments. The County of Alameda cannot raise prices to cover these fees nor can we absorb the cost. We must collect 100% of the taxes due. Therefore, in order to offer our customers the option of paying by credit card, we must add a convenience fee.
PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4467: On and after January 1, 2013, and until December 31, 2018, any applicant for a local business license or equivalent instrument or permit, and from any applicant for the renewal of a business license or equivalent instrument or permit, shall pay an additional fee of one dollar ($1) for that license, instrument, or permit, which shall be collected by the city, county, or city and county that issued the license, instrument, or permit.
NOTICE: Under federal and state law, compliance with disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building owners and tenants with buildings open to the public. You may obtain information about your legal obligations and how to comply with disability access laws at the following agencies: