"This booklet has been produced and provided to you as a service by a member of the Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. It contains carefully selected engineering reference information designed to assist you in your everyday work."
Based on text in the book, this book is from at least 1975 or later.TABLE OF CONTENTS
Branch Circuit Protective Devices — Motors
Maximum Setting
Capacities of Aluminum Conductors
Copper Conductors
Capacitor Color Codes
Capacitor K V A R; Maximum Suggested Values
Capacitor Switching Devices
Code Letters for Alternating-Current Motors
Conductors in a Conduit; Correction Factors
Maximum Number
Conversion Factors
Copper Wire Table
Currents: Full Load-D.C. Motors
-Single Phase Transformers
-Single Phase Motors
-Synchronous Motors
-Three Phase Transformers
-Three Phase Motors .
Locked Rotor-Three Phase Motors
Drills; Tap and Clearance, for Machine Screws
Field Polarity - D.C. Equipment
Formulas; Electrical, Miscellaneous
Fractions; Equivalents of, Decimal and Metric
Frame Dimensions
Frame Sizes-Open, Three-Phase, General Purpose Motors
-TEFC, Three-Phase, General Purpose Motors
Insulation Resistance - Minimum Values
Life Saving
Metals and Alloys; Properties of
Motor Performance; Effects of Unbalanced Voltage on
Motor Wiring Chart - D.C. Motors
- Single Phase Motors
- Three Phase Motors
Power Factor Improvement . . . . . .
Resistor Color Code
Serniconductor Symbols and Connections
Starters; NEMA Sizes
Starting Methods; Squirrel Cage Induction
Temperature Conversion Table .
Terminal Markings and Connections
- D.C. Generators
- D.C. Motors
- 9 Lead, Three Phase Motors
- Two Speed, Three Phase Motors
Terms; Glossary of
Transformer Connections
Transistor Symbols and Connections
Trigonometric Functions
Voltage Variations; Effect on Motor Performance-
- "T" Frame
- 'O" Frame
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